What is a police pursuit?

A ‘police pursuit’ (or Skye’s Law) charge is more serious than a ‘fail to stop’ charge. Section 51B of the Crimes Act 1900 provides that:

(1) The driver of a vehicle —

  1. who knows, ought reasonably to know or has reasonable grounds to suspect that police officers are in pursuit of the vehicle and that the driver is required to stop the vehicle, and
  2. who does not stop the vehicle, and
  3. who then drives the vehicle recklessly or at a speed or in a manner dangerous to others, is guilty of an offence.

Note that police MUST prove ALL of the above elements of the offence to find you guilty.

What penalties exist for involvement in a police pursuit?

The maximum penalties for this offence are:

  • 3 years imprisonment for a first offence
  • 5 years imprisonment for a second or subsequent offence.
  • An automatic disqualification of 3 years which can be reduced to the minimum disqualification period which is 12 months.

Our aim is to assist you in achieving the minimum penalty.

What are my options?

Let us help. Get in Touch.

Appointments can be conducted via:

  • zoom or teams
  • phone or
  • face-to-face at our office.

World Square
Level 45, 680 George Street,
P: 1300 129 463
By appointment only

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