Fail to stop for Police
Under s 36A of the Law Enforcement (Power and Responsibilities) Act 2002 (“LEPRA”), police have the power to direct a driver to pull over to the side of the road where they reasonably suspect that a driver, or a passenger, has breached a law.
Remove Habitual Traffic Offender from license
Prior to 28 October, 2017, the RMS had the authority to declare a person a Habitual Traffic Offender if a minimum of three serious traffic offences had been dealt with by the courts over a 5-year period.
Removing Lengthy Licence Disqualifications
On 28 October, 2017, NSW Parliament introduced reforms to: penalise dangerous drivers by keeping them off the road; and reward those who comply with lengthy disqualifications by allowing them back on the road sooner than what their disqualification period allowed.
Novice Range PCA
Novice range PCA is committed when the following category of drivers have a Blood Alcohol Concentration of between 0.00 and up to 0.019: Learner drivers, P1 drivers, P2 drivers, Unlicensed drivers (suspended, disqualified or cancelled)
Special Range PCA
Special range PCA occurs when the following category of drivers have a Blood Alcohol Concentration of between 0.02 and up to 0.049: Leaner drivers, P1 drivers, P2 drivers, Unlicensed drivers (suspended, disqualified or cancelled)
Low Range PCA
Low Range PCA occurs when any class of driver has been detected with a Blood Alcohol Concentration of between 0.05 and up to 0.079.
Mid Range PCA
Mid Range PCA occurs when any class of driver has been detected with a Blood Alcohol Concentration of 0.08 and up to 0.149 (less than 0.15).
High Range PCA
High Range PCA occurs when any class of driver has been detected with a Blood Alcohol Concentration of above 0.150.