What is High Range PCA?

High Range PCA occurs when any class of driver has been detected with a Blood Alcohol Concentration of above 0.150.

What happens when or after I am charged with High Range PCA?

  • Police will issue you with a Court Attendance Notice, requiring you to attend court on the date specified on the notice.
  • Police will issue you with an immediate suspension that remains in place until your matter is finalised by a court.

What are my options?

What are the penalties or outcomes available?

* Note: Any term of imprisonment can be served by way of an intensive corrections order (“ICO”), where the term of imprisonment is served in the community.

* NB: A conviction for high-range PCA will appear on a criminal and traffic history.

* Statistics obtained from the NSW Judicial Commission.

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Appointments can be conducted via:

  • zoom or teams
  • phone or
  • face-to-face at our office.

World Square
Level 45, 680 George Street,
P: 1300 129 463
By appointment only

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