What is drive cancelled?

Driving whilst your license has been cancelled is a serious offence, that usually occurs in circumstances where people have not re-applied to TFNSW for a new license after having served a period of disqualification. (See defence of ‘honest and reasonable mistake of fact’.)

While a person whose licence has been suspended can resume driving once their period of suspension ends; a person whose license has been disqualified must reapply for a new license.

Offenders can face heavy penalties (including gaol) especially where an offence is aggravated. Examples of aggravating circumstances include repeat offending, passengers in the vehicle, driving erratically etc.

A conviction will result in the court adding a further licence disqualification. You must reapply for a new license, if you choose to drive after a further disqualification period for driving.

What happens after I am caught driving cancelled?

Police will issue you with a Court Attendance Notice, requiring you to attend court on the date specified on the notice.

What are my options?

What penalties or outcomes are available?

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