Not display “P” or “L” plates

It is a common occurrence that where a driver has secured plates to a car at the start of a journey, the plates can dislodge and fall off during the course of driving. There may be other reasons why you are not displaying a plate. Regardless of what the reason may be, we can provide advice with how to navigate this offence.


Mobile Phone detection

Use of mobile phones in a car is governed by REG 300 of the Road Rules 2014. Rules differ between unrestricted licence holders and P1/P2 license holders. P1 and P2 drivers licence holders may not use their phones under any circumstances whilst driving. This includes use of Bluetooth or any ‘hands free’ functions.


Red Light Camera

If you accept the charge: you will incur a fine of $457.00 (or $572 if in a school zone), you will lose 3 demerit points (or 4 demerit point if in a school zone) and You will lose your license if the loss of points results in you exceeding your demerit point threshold.



If you accept that you were speeding: you will incur a fine depending how fast you were travelling, you will lose demerit points based on how fast you were travelling and you may lose your license if your speeding falls into a category where a loss of license is inevitable.